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If you are looking for a great place to spend your time, you should definitely visit pubs and restaurants in La Crosse, WI. Whether you are a tourist or a resident of the area, you are welcome at pubs and restaurants in La Crosse, WI.

Dos and Don’ts in Pubs and Restaurants in La Crosse, WI

Restaurants in La Crosse, WI, are excellent places to stay and create lasting memories. However, before you visit pubs and restaurants in La Crosse, WI, it is important to learn about the Irish culture first. In doing so, you will be familiar with the do’s and don’ts in pubs and restaurants in La Crosse, WI.

Below are some of the unwritten rules in pubs and restaurants in La Crosse, WI. Be sure to observe them while enjoying your night out.

Do Expect to Get Involved in Conversations in Restaurants in La Crosse, WI

Whether you are coming alone or with a friend in pubs and restaurants in La Crosse, WI, expect to be involved in some conversations. Irish people love to talk even with strangers and foreigners. Just a simple tip, do not try to imitate their accent.

Do Expect to Taste Guinness in Restaurants in La Crosse, WI

Guinness is one of the most common drinks in pubs and restaurants in La Crosse, WI. If you are going to visit restaurants in La Crosse, WI, expect to taste a pint of Guinness.

However, you have to take note that a Guinness may take a little longer to prepare. So, do not make the mistake of hurrying the bartender in serving your Guinness.

Do Not Miss Your Rounds in Restaurants in La Crosse, WI

When visiting traditional restaurants in La Crosse, WI, you will most likely be offered a drink. Once you accept it, you are already part of the round. Rounds in pubs and restaurants in La Crosse, WI simply means a person will pay for the drink of the whole group.

No one will remind you when it is your turn for the round already, so you should be attentive. Also, traditional restaurants in La Crosse, WI, usually do not have servers so you will have to buy the drink on the counter yourself. If you do not want to be involved in rounds, you can politely decline the offer.

Do Not Wear Sneakers in Restaurants in La Crosse, WI

You do not need to wear fancy clothes when going to restaurants in La Crosse, WI, but it is important to mind your footwear. Sneakers and flip-flops may not be allowed in some pubs and restaurants in La Crosse, WI. If you are staying until past 9 PM, a more formal shoe is encouraged for dancing and clubbing.

Do Not Take Chairs in Restaurants in La Crosse, WI Without Consent

This one is quite obvious. However, it is an etiquette in traditional restaurants in La Crosse, WI to ask if the seat is available before taking it, especially during the “golden” hours. Since traditional pubs and restaurants in La Crosse, WI do not have servers, you will most likely look for a chair yourself.

Do Not Go to the Restroom Without Placing Your Beer Mat on Top of Your Drink

If you are lucky enough to get a chair during the peak hours of restaurants in La Crosse, WI, do not let it go. If you need to go to the restroom or smoke outside, place your beer mat over your drink. In restaurants in La Crosse, WI, this serves as a sign that you just went out for a while and will be back soon.

Dine in Restaurants in La Crosse, WI and Get a Unique Irish Experience

If you are searching for restaurants in La Crosse, WI, look no further than Dublin Square Irish Pub. Have the best night out and create lasting Irish memories and experience. Book a party with us today! Call us now for reservations.